Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Natures' Divinity

The day i shifted to my new house... I was awestruck with this coconut groove that was there just in front...If there was one thing that i always wanted to do with this groove was this.. take a picture with the sun rays..Every Morning during the winters I would wake up and see this sight just outside my house...thinking that ok.. tomorrow I am going to take "the picture" and the very sight would fill me enthusiasm...days passed... so did weeks.. untill i realised that the days will pass by and I may have to wait another year for this to re-happen...So finally one fine morning.. with intentions of finishing the loaded roll in my Vivitar .. i shot a couple if these shots...and i could not help but Thank the lord for his presence in the snap...! And this was just in front of my house in Bangalore!! This pic won the Second Place in Bangalore Shutterbugs Weekly contest for the theme "Morning".

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